Our Services

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Collegium is committed to listening to our customer’s specific needs and guiding them through the process of designing a system. Consultants often over-simplify the design stage, sure that one company’s requirements will largely match another’s. This strategy not only misses crucial customer requirements, but denies the customer the ability to ask, “What If?” and explore the true power and possibilities of the content management tools with which we work. Our expert familiarity with the product and access to technical support allows our design advisors to ensure that every requirement is met where the cost-benefit assessment is positive.

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Collegium is highly experienced in the efficient building of content management environments. Our configuration team works fast and responsively to build the perfect setup you need, leveraging a deep working knowledge established over many years’ familiarity with the tool. We pride ourselves on transparent, low-stress communication and meticulous attention to detail, guaranteeing an environment that seamlessly fulfils requirements and exceeds expectations.

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Testing and writing documentation for a system can be arduous and time-consuming, particularly for validated and 21 CFR Part 11 compliant systems. Collegium takes the stress out of the process. We bring to the table a rich understanding of content management functionality and sensitivity to your needs, and combine them to offer fast, comprehensive testing with full documentation. Our user guides are tailored to your exact build, allowing users to orient themselves quickly with the environment and achieve maximal benefits from it.

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Not everyone knows content management as well as we do. While usability is a hallmark of the systems we deal with, it can be difficult to introduce large groups of users to a new experience. We have more than a decade of experience in designing and delivering training. This allows us to offer both in-person and online training courses, train-the-trainer models, and extensive documentation and resources tailored to each project. What may have seemed a daunting task runs quickly and seamlessly with Collegium.


Your partner in business